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Building Regulations Approval

Building Regulations approval is required for most home extensions and new houses, the Local Authority normally require you to submit a Building Regulations application, or submit notification if utilising a private building control body, some time prior to commencing the works on site.

Building Regulations applications are required by the Local Authority to ensure that the proposed work complies with the approved Building Regulations Documents, that the proposals are satisfactory from a structural viewpoint and are suitable from a health and safety perspective including fire safety and the like.

We also have a great deal of experience in the preparation of such applications, however, the drawings required for a Building Regulations application need to be far more detailed and comprehensive, conveying the details of the materials and construction of the building, including specifications and structural aspects, therefore, more drawings are required and in far more detail than are required for Planning Consent. In addition to the detailed drawings the appropriate application forms must be completed, specifications, thermal requirements considered, structural calculations carried out to confirm compliance with the building regulations documents.